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Research on improving the quality of human environment

Solid equipment

Landfill leachate treatment equipment

Source:original Editor:富生源 Release time:2017-08-28 17:52 Click:
        With the acceleration of urbanization in China, the treatment of municipal solid waste has become a serious problem in urban development. And incineration (including waste incineration power plant), landfill and incineration process due to the other will produce a certain amount of pollution leachate, landfill leachate contaminant concentration is high, the harmful substances are large, so the environment and groundwater Causing serious pollution.
        Landfill leachate treatment is difficult, high technical requirements, the current use of the most advanced biochemical film processing technology, the following is the FSY landfill leachate treatment project project case.



下一篇:Solid waste treatment incinerator